17/05/15 – Editing/exporting/computer problems

During this project, my laptop has hindered the project quite a lot. It’s been running quite slowly in general, and has crashed several times when trying to start up, run, or export files from iMovie, Premiere Pro and Pro Tools. I lost progress a couple of time, and caused the editing process to be almost doubled in length.

For a few days, I didn’t have access to the blogs system, as the whole site was down, but luckily that didn’t last very long. However, as I had set aside those day to write some blog posts and make sure everything was up to date, I then had to factor in blog posts at a later date. I wasted a bit of time waiting for the site to come back online before typing up the posts up on a word document, and emailing the IT services. I tried to do as much as I could, but it was the day before another hand in, and I felt I couldn’t really give much more time to the blogs, which is why I had to complete them later.

I tried to use the sound theatre and edit suites where I could, but the sound theatre was very heavily booked up, and I struggled to get all the recording done in the slots I had booked. The edit suites weren’t as popular, but due to being quite ill last week, I didn’t feel able to make it into some of the slots and had to cancel them. I tried to do what I could at home, but my laptop did not work well when running video editing software and it was an incredibly slow process. A lot of the time the video would not run smoothly, so I’d have to replay a lot of the material two or three times. Of course, in hindsight, having known that I could film the piece by myself and that no other actors would come forward, I would have started filming FAR earlier. That way, it would have allowed more time for the editing process for any problems I ran into. I also would have been able to use Premiere Pro, as I would have had the time to learn how to use it. Although it was not the main factor for the delay, my laptop did cause several problems and delays itself.

Added to the filming difficulties, there have been so many issue with this project, I am not unsure whether I will be able to complete it properly.

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