Based on research, blogs, case studies, articles and other information.
MAN and WOMAN sat side by side in plain surroundings, about 1 foot apart. Both smiling into the camera for the entire film, acting natural. Mostly looking into the camera, but occasionally fidgeting. Sitting nicely.
[Beginning focusing more on the event, needs more research]
WOMAN: He doesn’t understand. No one understands.
MAN: I don’t know what she wants. She said she’d like to talk about it, but she keeps avoiding me.
WOMAN: For as long as I’ve been with him, he’s wanted kids. I feel like I’ve failed him. What could I possibly say that can change that?
MAN: Why won’t she look at me?
WOMAN: Am I a bad mother? There must be something wrong with me.
MAN: It’s affected me too. I know she’s hurting, but everyone is looking after her. What about me?
WOMAN: My Mum was looking excited at the thought of being a Grandmother
MAN: Will we be able to try again? I don’t want to give up.
WOMAN: Will it happen again?
MAN: I know we can get through this, we’re strong together.
WOMAN: I spoke to someone about it today. He said it was ok to grieve.
MAN: She was so much better today. I caught her smiling out of the window.
[Further development]
MAN: My sister brought her kids around today. It has been 5 months. I thought it might be ok, but I should have let her go at her own pace. I’ve just made it worse.
WOMAN: Why can she have kids and I can’t? What makes her so special? She doesn’t need three.