I started my script research by looking at miscarriage, particularly blogs written by women who have had miscarriages in the past. Some of them are written as they go through it, some a reflection on past events, all of them moving and inspirational. Even though I’ve already started writing some of the scripts, I feel it is imperative to have some research about the conditions I am writing about from which I can write or alter the lines.
I started with Diary of a Miscarriage. This woman writes a lot about her interactions with her other children, husband, family and friends, and how she managed to get through two miscarriages. After posting very frequently after the first miscarriage, or “never born” as she refers to them, her posts become less regular and end up being annual posts on the day she lost her first baby. It wasn’t surprising that she still felt “melancholy” even five years on, and I think it is important to convey that within my piece. Even though many years had past, and that she had had three healthy children since then, she was still affected by the reminder of those events. As my piece involves the recovery within each story, it is vital that I portray these continuing feelings amongst the road to recovery.